Home and Away's Perri Hayes to face uncertain future in death storyline

 Perri's desperate actions have very serious consequences.

Home and Away's Perri Hayes faces the prospect of prison in scenes airing this week in Australia, following the violent death of his abusive father, Carl.

Australian viewers saw Carl leave Perri a threatening message last week in the form of a knife, before Carl chased his terrified son outside and shoved his head into the swimming pool.

When Perri managed to overpower his dad, the incident ended in horror when Carl drowned in the pool. After Tane Parata insisted that the police needed to be called, Perri did a disappearing act and asked Theo Poulos to help him hide.

In scenes that will air this week, TV Week reports that Perri will decide to face the music and heads off to the police station to turn himself in.

Although he makes it clear to officer Rose Delaney that he was acting in self-defence after being attacked, Rose feels she has no choice but to arrest Perri and charge him with Carl's murder.

Terrified Perri is left battling his own feelings about his dad's death, with Cantona Stewart, who plays him, explaining Perri's conflicted emotions.

"His immediate feeling was relief, almost as if he had been liberated of this horrible devil-like burden he'd been cursed with," he said. "Then, as he stared into the pool where his father lay face down, he knew the only family he has had been killed by his own hands."

Thankfully, Tane makes it clear that he will stick by Perri when he visits him ahead of his bail hearing. Tane reminds Perri that he faced a jail sentence himself earlier this year, but that his loved ones helped to pull him through.

As Tane assures scared Perri that he'll help him fight his murder charge, Perri decides to confront his future and take responsibility for himself, just as Tane has been teaching him.

But with Stewart describing Perri as "a deer in the headlights" following Carl's death, will he really be able to handle what's still to come?

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