Home and Away Spoilers – Levi rushes to save Abigail from danger


Next week on Home and Away in the UK, Levi rushes to save Abigail from danger, while Theo’s actions cause serious problems for Justin.

Levi (Tristan Gorey) and Eden (Stephanie Panozzo) are forced to spring into action next week, when they discover younger sister Abigail (Hailey Pinto) is in terrible danger!

Levi realised something wasn’t right with Abby when she skipped town after stealing his wallet and a tin of petty cash from the surf club. When Mackenzie (Emily Weir) finally convinced Levi to cancel his bank cards—in order to force Abby into facing up to whatever issue she had without her brother bankrolling her—Abby returned to the farmhouse furious that she’d been cut off.

When she later went to leave town again, Abby flinched when Levi touched her arm, and he was devastated to discover that she had track marks. Levi urged Abby to let him take her to the hospital to treat the infection, but she refused, forcing him to go and fetch some antibiotics himself.

Seeing that his sister was clearly suffering withdrawals, Levi later tried to convince Abby that he could help her kick the drugs, whether it be through prescription substitutions or rehab, but Abby again refused all help.

Worried about how she would go about raising funds for her next hit, Levi reluctantly gave Abby some cash, on the stipulation that she went home to their mum’s so he at least knew where she’d be if something went wrong.

Next week, Levi is concerned when he hasn’t heard from Abby for more than two days. Mackenzie (Emily Weir) cannot see what the big deal is, until Levi admits that he leant her money to fund her habit.

Mac is lost for words as Levi tries to justify his actions, pointing out that she could have got into further trouble if she resorted to stealing money.

Frustrated, Mac tells him being caught could have been the wake-up call Abby needed, and later warns him that unless he forces her to get help, Abby will continue to exploit him. Deep down, Levi knows she’s right.

Meanwhile, Abby wakes up on the sofa of her dealer Dom (Danny Ball) in the city as she comes down from a big high. She asks Dom if she can stay as she could do with another hit soon, but asks if she can owe him as she’s out of cash. Dom assures her they can work something out.

But when Abby goes to leave the next morning, Dom reminds her that she still owes him.

Abby assures him that she’ll get him the cash asap, and that he knows she’s good for it, but Dom tells him he’s done with that arrangement—there’s other ways to pay a debt.

As Abby looks into the corridor to see a dolled up lady leading a man into one of the bedrooms, Dom tells her that an hour’s work and her debt is paid. He’s even gone as far as to book Abby in for a session with one of his regulars, who always likes a fresh face.

Horrified, Abby locks herself in the bathroom and calls Levi, giving him the address of the house and telling him she’s in serious trouble.

Levi bumps into Eden as he rushes to his car, who insists on accompanying him after learning that Abby is in danger.

Levi fills Eden in on the situation en route, and they’re soon knocking on the door of the address Abby gave. When Dom answers, he denies knowing Abby and claims that he’s alone in the house, leaving Levi and Eden to believe they must have got the wrong address.

As the pair decide to go knocking on other doors, Dom has forced Abby into one of the bedrooms and tells her that Levi has been and gone, ordering her to put on the outfit laid out on the bed for her.

Levi and Eden have no luck with the rest of the street, but are curious when they see a girl leaving Dom’s house, considering he said he was alone. A quick conversation with the girl soon clarifies exactly what sort of activities are going on inside.

Levi returns to No.7 and bashes on the door before kicking it in.

Inside they find Abby shaken but otherwise unharmed. Levi pins Dom up against the wall as Eden leads her sister to safety.

The two take Abby to the local motel, but know that things aren’t over by a long shot.

After Abby freshens herself up, she’s already shaking from withdrawals. Levi again offers to help her get through this if she’s ready, and she finally agrees that she needs help.

She still refuses to go to rehab however; if she’s going to do this, she wants to go cold turkey.

Both Levi and Eden know the risks involved, but both agree to stay and support Abby however bad it gets…

Elsewhere in Summer Bay, Theo (Matt Evans) could find himself in hot water when his mistake leads to a garage customer being involved in a serious accident.

When Perri (Cantona Stewart) drops Tane’s (Ethan Browne) car off for a service, he gets chatting to Theo (Matt Evans) about the troubles he’s facing with his father Carl (Matthew Holmes), and the fact he has now taken the step of reporting him to the police.

Theo knows Perri’s situation all too well, having dealt with violent abuse from his own father, and ends up being a confidant for Perri.

Unfortunately the time spent helping Perri means that Theo falls behind with his job list at the garage, leading to an unhappy customer named Claudia to phone Justin (James Stewart) and complain about her car not having been serviced as promised.

Justin is quick to blast Theo for his slacking off (oh, the irony), and the two get to work on the backlog of cars.

But once the pair are done and the cars have been returned to their owners, it’s not long before Justin receives another call from Claudia. The brakes failed on her car, and she’s broken her arm after crashing into a tree!

Theo had been the one to do the service on Claudia’s car so Justin realises that the accident must have been his fault. Justin can see that Theo signed off the car as roadworthy, but worries that he may have pushed him too hard, leading him to rush the job.

Justin wants to be sure however, and arranges for the local tow truck operator to drop off Claudia’s car so he can take a look for himself on the quiet.

Unfortunately his worst fears are confirmed; the callipers were damaged and the pads came loose. Given they were on Theo’s checklist, there’s no doubt about it—this was his fault!

As Justin and Leah wonder how they’re going to break the news to Theo, Justin wonders if he might be able to smooth things over with Claudia first…

Also next week, Mali receives some good news about his artwork.

After discovering a piece of artwork that had fallen out of his notebook, very different to his usual style, Kirby had bugged Mali into taking it further.

Given that it was a far more personal piece of art, Mali was uncomfortable about expanding on it, but eventually relented after Kirby gifted him a blank canvas and a set of paints.

Kirby wasn’t finished there however, and took it upon herself to fill in an application form for Mali to send the resulting painting into a local art competition. Once again Mali was reluctant to share it with the world, but some wise words from Alf (Ray Meagher) saw him eventually agree to enter.

Next week, Kirby pesters Mali into constantly checking his emails for any news about the art competition, and asks how he would spend the $15k prize money. Frustrated, Mali asks Kirby to take it down a few levels, as he really doesn’t care.

However, much to Mali’s surprise, he later receives word that he is one of the finalists. After telling Alf, Mali heads over to Kirby’s where he reveals his big news.

Taking note of Mali’s earlier request, Kirby calmly tells him congratulations. Mali is happy for her to dial things up again now though, resulting in her squealing with excitement and giving him a massive hug.

Mali isn’t too sure about his chances, but admits he’s quite excited.

As Kirby cracks open the beer to celebrate, the long wait begins for the winner to be announced… could Mali come out on top?

Here’s the full spoilers for next week’s Home and Away episodes in the UK:

Monday 14th October (Episode 8336)

Tane faces a serious choice. Harper hangs on Tane’s words. Eden nurses her broken heart.

Tuesday 15th October (Episode 8337)

Cash takes the coward’s way out. Theo lends Perri a listening ear. Gary gives Eden some sage advice.

Wednesday 16th October (Episode 8338)

Perri gets cold feet. Cash goes down a dark path. Theo makes a grave mistake.

Thursday 17th October (Episode 8339)

Mackenzie calls out Levi. Mali gets some good news. Justin’s fears come true.

Friday 18th October (Episode 8340)

Levi and Eden rush to save their sister. Abigail is in grave danger. Justin struggles to make amends.

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