Home and Away couple in naked pool blunder

 Justin and Leah take a big risk.

Home and Away will air an embarrassing blunder for one long-standing couple this week, as they are caught skinny dipping in a hotel pool.

Scenes that will air in Australia this week see Justin Morgan and Leah Patterson trying to rekindle the fire in their marriage, following the recent troubles in their relationship after scheming Claudia's blackmail of Justin and her attempt to seduce him.

TV Week reports that Justin decides to whisk Leah away on a romantic weekend to try to win her back round after lying to her about the extent of Claudia's blackmailing.

With the couple enjoying their time away, they make the risky decision to take a late-night swim in the hotel pool – and to strip off while they're at it.

"Justin wants to rekindle their love and passion for one another," said James Stewart, who plays Justin. "To live in the moment and be spontaneous. It's such a thrill!"

The couple have fun during their steamy evening as they remind themselves of how much they enjoy each other's company – but their romantic swim has unwanted consequences when they realise that their encounter has been caught on CCTV.

The hotel's managers are far from impressed with the pair's behaviour – has Justin inadvertently landed them in big trouble?

Stewart and Ada Nicodemou, who plays Leah, confirmed over the summer that they are a couple in real life, too, with Nicodemou calling their romance "very recent and very unexpected" and "really lovely".

More recently, she revealed that she didn't feel the need to announce the relationship to their co-stars, saying that "people just worked it out".

She added that the pair were surprised to find that they were developing romantic feelings for each other after decades of friendship, saying: "There was this chemistry for the first time – this spark that happened that wasn't there before, and it was weird."

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