Home and Away spoilers – Stevie's stalker returns, Tane arrest fears and Levi 'caught out'

 It kicks off at the Fundraiser next week on Home and Away as Levi’s affair is almost exposed. Elsewhere, Stevie moves in with Cash and Tane grows closer to the abandoned baby..

Home and Away fans can expect a lot of drama next week.

Tane asks Dana how baby Maia is doing. She tells him that Maia has a high temperature, but it’s nothing the doctors can’t sort out.

Despite her reassurances, he latches onto the fact that Maia is sick. Against his own best judgement, he turns up at the hospital.

Rose catches him there once again and tells Tane for the hundredth time that he can’t be at the hospital, that they’re working on finding Maia a safe home, and that him being there isn’t helping anyone.

The threat of the AVO is no longer just a threat – thanks to Tane’s stubbornness, it’s now in motion. Tane pushes back, questioning how much progress they’ve actually made in helping the case.

Dana tells Tane that the doctor needs to see Maia for a moment, and hurriedly wheels her crib away. Before anyone can even blink, Rose, with her sergeant, steps into block his exit. Rose tells Tane that he needs to come with them right away, or she’s going to have to arrest him.

Back at the police station, Rose runs through the finer points of Tane’s new AVO. She’s clearly not happy about the mess he’s gotten himself into and warns him not to make it any harder for himself. Hearing about the action against Tane, Roo rushes to the station and insists they drop it – but Rose won’t back down.

Roo speaks privately to Tane and tells him he needs to stay away from the hospital for real this time – things are getting serious now – but Tane fights back. If he’s not a bad guy, why is he being treated like one?

Theo watches Valerie grow increasingly reliant on the pills, as well as more secretive in front of Lean and Justin. Out of options, Theo arranges to meet up with Kirby.

He spills the beans, telling her that he’s completely out of his depth with Valerie, and that he needs all the help he can get. Instead of getting smug and saying “I told you so”, Kirby reassures Theo that he’s done all that he can, and that Valerie needs real, professional help.

In a comforting gesture, Kirby reaches for Theo’s hand – just in time for Valerie to walk in and witness the tender moment. Kirby immediately pulls away, but it’s too late - Valerie walks away, betrayed. Theo puts his head in his hands.

Theo catches up with a hurt Valerie and tries to explain himself. He admits that he told Kirby about Valerie’s brother and the accident. Speechless and feeling betrayed, Valerie makes a beeline home. She starts packing her things, with Theo begging her to stay. Leah walks in, witnessing the whole thing, and defuses the situation.

She tells Theo to take it easy while they go for a walk. Valerie confides a little in Leah, expressing her insecurities about being part of her family and wondering if there’s something wrong with her since she’s still struggling. Leah reassures her that no matter what, she’s glad Valerie found Theo, and that she will always be welcome at their home. This seems to finally calm Valerie.

Valerie finds Theo again and tells him she needs to know she can trust him. Theo says he’ll do anything to prove that to her. Valerie reaches into her pocket and takes out two pills - one for him, one for her. To prove that they’re in this together. Theo hesitates – this isn’t what he was expecting. But ultimately, he takes the pill to appease her. It’s a dangerous move for Theo, but he’ll do anything to keep Valerie close.

Cash and Eden are trying to savour what precious little time they have to themselves, when Cash’s phone pings. He’s set up alerts for Stevie’s social media to keep an eye on things, and now, his suspicions have been confirmed: someone’s posted a picture of the outside of Stevie’s hotel.

Her location’s been leaked. Stevie wants Cash back at the hotel, as she’s increasingly frightened. Hearing this, Eden has no choice but to let her boyfriend go – but it’s clear she’s unhappy. Later on, she comes home to find Cash pulling up at the doorstep…with a smiling Stevie in tow. Unbeknownst to Eden, Cash agreed to let her stay with them.

Cash gets Stevie settled in his spare room, but the minute he’s done, Eden confronts him, asking him if Stevie staying at his place is really the best (and safest) idea. He pushes back, telling her that this was his choice and that these are extraordinary circumstances. Stevie’s life is in danger.

Stevie has overheard the whole thing. Without a word, she packs up her suitcase and is halfway out the door when Cash stops her. She apologises, telling Cash that he doesn’t need to rescue her. The last thing she wants is to cause issues between him and Eden.

Cash tries to reassure her – they’ll work it out. The bottom line is, he wants her to be safe. Now all she has to do is let him do his job and protect her. Cash is doing his best to make Stevie feel at home at his place. She’s still feeling a little awkward, especially having witnessed the tension between him and Eden over her presence, but Cash reassures her.

Felicity bursts through the door, in a mad frenzy as she prepares for baby Maia’s fundraiser. She spots Stevie and freaks out, on the verge of happy tears to see her idol in person.

Cash then gets a text from Eden, excuses himself, and steps outside to meet her. Eden greets Cash in his front yard. He apologises for making her feel less than in his single-minded mission to protect Stevie. She in turn, apologizes too.

However, after speaking with Remi, she feels like she can understand his point of view. The two make up – but it’s clear that things are going to be a little strained between Stevie and Eden no matter what.

Meanwhile, Felicity and Xander scramble to get things ready for the fundraiser that night at Salt. Things get tricky when they get a call from the DJ they booked cancelling last minute. Xander calls Eden, who happily agrees to fill in with Remi.

They barely get through the intro of their first song though when the last person Remi wants to see walks through the door - it’s Bree, all glammed up and doing her best to live her life without him.

The fundraiser night at Salt is in full swing. The residents of the Bay are all dressed up and in high spirits…except for Bree, who’s staring at Remi and frozen in her seat.

Her mind starts spinning the story that he’s doing completely fine without her. If that’s the case, she thinks, then maybe she should show him that she’s the same.

Bree’s eyes lock onto Levi, who’s chatting away with his sister, completely unaware of what he’s about to be in for. She walks up to him with a cheery smile sits him down away from everyone and gets incredibly flirty, laughing at his jokes and leaning into him way more than necessary.

Levi is awkward and uncomfortable, setting aside the drinks she keeps ordering for him and trying to excuse himself the first chance he gets.

People start noticing this instantly, especially when Bree gets extra tipsy and tries to pull Levi up for a dance. Mackenzie watches on from behind the counter, shaking her head at the woman who’s trying very pitifully to steal her man.

But just as Bree hoped, no one is more upset at this than Remi, who’s practically fuming. He gives Bree and Levi a death stare from his spot on the stage; he’s not dumb, and he knows Bree is only doing this to get to him. A very low blow. Eden tries to distract him, but he storms off, unable to bear the sight of it any longer.

The next day, Eden is having coffee with a glowering Remi, who’s still upset by the whole thing. He blames Levi for coming onto Bree.

Eden defends him, annoyed – Levi would never do something like that. Still, Remi questions why Levi didn’t do anything to stop Bree’s advances, which is enough to spark doubt in Eden’s mind.

She finds Levi later and asks him, very seriously, if he’s having an affair. He’s taken aback for a split second, panic about to set in – but then he quickly recovers. He tells his sister a white lie - No, he is not having an affair…with Bree.

Eden, overwhelmed but relieved, apologises for getting in her own head about things. Levi hugs her, relieved to have diffused her suspicions, but that was too close. Just when he thought he had resolved everything, Eden comes running up to him later with a surprise: she’s called Imogen and invited her to the Bay! This is not good news for Levi.

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