Home and Away Spoilers – Leah holds Justin at knifepoint


Next week on Home and Away in the UK, Leah holds Justin at knifepoint in the diner, while Flick owes Cash an apology.

Leah’s (Ada Nicodemou) battle with sleep-deprivation reaches a shocking climax next week, when she holds Justin (James Stewart) at knifepoint in the diner!

Recent episodes have seen Leah’s paranoia build to the degree where she believes Justin is working for Vita Nova, the cult that left them to die in an abandoned warehouse and kicked off Leah’s trauma.

With her mind playing tricks on her, Leah thought she heard Justin on the phone promising to ‘fix her’, before uttering Vita Nova’s mantra, ‘The end is near’.

Leah rushed home and started throwing some clothes in a suitcase in order to escape Justin.

As we return to the Morgan house next week, Leah is interrupted by the unexpected return of Justin. Quickly hiding her case, Leah is on edge as she attempts to act normal in front of Justin, offering to make him lunch.

Leah’s relieved when Theo walks in, and the second Justin exits the house she warns Theo that they need to leave immediately as they’re in dangerJustin is working for Vita Nova!

A perplexed Theo tries to calm Leah’s panic to no avail as she continues packing. When he tries to convince her that she doesn’t need to run away, Leah agrees. Instead, she suggests, they can go straight to the police.

After a quick hop over to Yabbie Creek, Leah tells a stunned Rose (Kirsty Marillier) that she needs to go and arrest Justin.

Rose ushers Leah into the interview room and has a quiet word with Theo. Theo’s assurances that Leah’s accusations aren’t true thankfully aren’t needed, as Rose explains that Leah really needs to be talking to a doctor.

Justin is called to the station in the hope that he can talk Leah round, but this only serves to increase Leah’s paranoia further.

As Leah watches Justin and Rose talk through the interview room window, her mind fills in the blanks…

We can’t have her knowing, she has to be dealt with,” Justin sinisterly tells Rose.

Don’t worry,” Rose apparently replies. “We’ve got her now. The end is near.

Having spoken to the hospital, Rose explains to Justin that the only way they can get Leah to see the mental health team, at this moment in time, is if they can convince her to go there voluntarily.

But as Rose, Justin and Theo all enter the room to try and persuade Leah to go to the hospital, she believes that they’ve all turned against her and makes a bolt for it.

Leah heads straight to the diner, finding Irene (Lynne McGranger) and Marilyn (Emily Symons) there. Composing herself, she offers to close up as the two head home.

Once the coast is clear, Leah locks and bolts the doors and moves the tables and chairs, barricading herself in.

When Justin later calls by searching for her, he sees the furniture piled and calls through the door, asking Leah to let him in.

Desperate to talk her down, Justin pokes the door with a nearby plant stake and manages to force his way inside (those bolts aren’t what they used to be), only to be met by Leah who is now brandishing a knife at him.

Theo’s not far behind, and after walking in on the tense stand-off, he begs his aunt to put the knife down.

As Leah explains that she’s not going to be taken to Vita Nova without a fight, Theo secretly texts Bree (Juliet Godwin) for help.

When Bree eventually arrives, she warns Theo to be ready to call 000 if things don’t go as planned.

Will Bree be able to convince Leah that Justin isn’t out to get her, or will she have to get reinforcement?

Elsewhere, Felicity’s (Jacqui Purvis) green-eyed monster takes over again as she sees Tane (Ethan Browne) continuing to spend time with Harper (Jessica Redmayne).

Flick had warned Harper to back off after she saw the two chatting last week, and whilst Harper was willing to do that to avoid any trouble for Tane, Tane told her that he could do with a friend and that he wasn’t willing to let Flick control his life.

Next week, one hurdle is overcome when Flick and brother Cash (Nicholas Cartwright) learn that their application to take on the lease for the house has been approved, after Tane gave it up the previous week.

Cash tells Flick the good news, but she’s distracted by watching Tane take his latest PT session with Harper on the beach.

Harper’s uncomfortable when she sees Flick passing, and when Tane suggest they get a coffee she suggests they avoid Salt.

Tane doesn’t think it’s fair that Harper has to tiptoe around the bay as they instead head to the coffee cart.

Having seen Flick’s reaction to seeing Harper earlier, Cash is curious as to what’s going on between his sister and his old friend. But when Harper tells him about Flick’s lashing out at her, Cash is fuming.

Confronting Flick, he orders her to apologise to Harper. Flick refuses, sure that Harper must be one of the several women that Tane has been sleeping with lately in the wake of their marriage breakdown.

Cash sternly reminds Flick that even if she was, whoever Tane sleeps with is not her business any more, but Flick simply tells her big brother to butt out.

Remi (Adam Rowland) can’t help but overhear the conversation, and when he later hears Flick and Eden (Stephanie Panozzo) bemoaning Cash telling them what to do, he bites back.

Remi points out that Cash is wrecking himself trying to help them both, what with Eden dealing with the surprise reappearance of brother Levi (Tristan Gorey) in her life, and it’s obvious that he cares more about them than he does himself.

It gives Flick food for thought, and it seems some apologies might be on the cards…

Here’s the full spoilers for next week’s Home and Away episodes in the UK:

Monday 19th February (Episode 8166)

Roo can’t live up to John’s legacy. Leah turns on those closest to her. Justin’s desperation leads him to danger.

Tuesday 20th February (Episode 8167)

Can Bree help Leah see sense? Roo tries to tempt John back to the Surf Club.

Wednesday 21st February (Episode 8168)

Alf sticks up for John Palmer. Bree reflects on her dark past. Mac takes charge of her own recovery.

Thursday 22nd February (Episode 8169)

Harper avoids Felicity. Remi tries to mend things between Eden and Levi. Mac’s anxiety peaks.

Friday 23rd February (Episode 8170)

Felicity’s apology tour hits the Bay. Kirby’s lyrics give Justin comfort. Mackenzie fears for her health.

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