Neighbours stars April Rose Pengilly and Jodi Gordon reveal all on Chloe and Elly's wedding

 "It was a really beautiful day."

Neighbours fans will see Chloe Brennan and Elly Conway finally tie the knot this Christmas.

The popular couple share a romantic and intimate ceremony at the Erinsborough Pavilion next week, surrounded by some of their closest family and friends.

Digital Spy recently caught up with April Rose Pengilly and Jodi Gordon, who play Chloe and Elly, for an exclusive chat about the storyline.

When you both agreed to return to Neighbours, did you know this wedding was on the cards?

April: "We were in talks quite early in the year, but we actually didn't find out about the wedding until we flew down for filming. I flew down in June and the first day was wardrobe fittings and catching up with everyone.

"Then we were like, 'What are we doing? What's our storyline?' (Laughs.) We were both very excited."

Jodi: "It was great the way they did it, because it was a surprise for us as well. I'd always hoped that Elly and Chloe would get married. I was coming back in the hope of that happening, but it wasn't discussed. It was really exciting to find out that this would happen."

Were you conscious of how important this moment was for the Chelly fans?

April: "Absolutely. Jodi and I are both really grateful for our 'Chelly' fandom and all of the support they've given us. We know how much this means to them and people who want this representation. We always feel a lot of responsibility to do it right."

Jodi: "There was a lot of care put into the words that we said to each other – and each separate moment that built up to the wedding as well. The magic of their relationship, how that evolved and how that is represented from scene to scene up until the wedding was really important to both of us."

What was it like to film the wedding episode?

April: "It was actually our last day of filming and we don't know if we will come back again or what will happen to our characters. I mean, they could kill us off screen, we never know! So it was quite emotional.

"Us driving off in our wedding car was literally the last scene we filmed before wrapping up and flying home. It was a really beautiful day.

"It rained a lot – we had to keep repeating things because of the rain! But we made sure to have fun because it was our last day."

Jodi: "One of my favourite parts, outside of the wedding and vows, was also having Aster there as well. There was this sense of family between the three of us, which I really liked."

Did Neighbours allow you any input into the wedding?

Jodi: "We were told there was a creative look in mind for the wedding. The wardrobe team at Neighbours are so amazing so it was great to have meetings with them about it, because we both care a lot about our characters and the wedding itself.

"In terms of the words used, I feel like throughout this whole Chelly storyline, April and I have been really invested in what language the characters use and how their relationship is portrayed. The wedding is no different from that."

April: "One of our producers was really adamant that he wanted us both in suits for the wedding. We were trying to make that work and find suits that worked for both of us.

"Then we had the extra challenge that Chloe is not able to wear shoes on the day because of her Huntington's symptoms, so we needed a suit that looked okay with no shoes on.

"We had a lot of fittings, right up until the day of the wedding. In the end it all came together, it looked really beautiful and I hope the fans are really happy."

How did you feel about the Huntington's story being revisited again?

April: "It's a heavy one. We feel very protective over our characters and we feel close to them, so it's like 'I don't want Chloe to have to suffer through this!' It's a lot earlier than Chloe was expecting to experience her symptoms, so it is really sad.

But when we did the Neighbours Tour, I had quite a lot of fans come up to me in the meet and greets and tell me they had someone in their family who had gone through Huntington's and they were so grateful for that representation on screen.

"It's very daunting, so again I feel a lot of responsibility to do that storyline justice. It's a case of just doing as much research as possible and speaking to the directors about how to make things realistic.

"It is quite heavy, to be honest – it's not really enjoyable because it is really sad. But if we are able to make people feel less alone and give them that representation, it's 100% worth it."

Would you return again?

Jodi: "It was definitely such an emotional moment driving off after our last scene."

April: "Just the not knowing! I've already driven away from that studio, for what I thought was the last time, then lo and behold the show came back. It's a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. You just never know now.

"Personally, I would love to go back. It's definitely a really challenging job and it can be a stressful place to work, due to the pace at which we film. But it's so rewarding and so much fun too. It really is a family and a lovely thing to be part of, so I'd always be open to revisiting."

Jodi: "Me too, I've had the most incredible experiences at Neighbours. Elly has become a big part of me – especially the different storylines she's been through. There's a family dynamic at work with the people, the crew and the way everyone comes together.

"Then there's that on-screen dynamic for your character with the family relationships as well. They really stay with me. The whole show means so much to me. I'm waiting to see if Elly and Chloe will make a return!"

When Neighbours finished in 2022, did you ever imagine it'd be picked up by Amazon for so many new episodes?

April: "I definitely didn't. When it was announced that Neighbours wasn't going to be going forward on the network it was on, the show put the word out and said: 'If anyone wants to save us, please do, we're here!'

"It obviously didn't happen at the time so I thought: 'Well, that's it. Everyone's had months to step in if they want to, and they haven't'. I really thought it was over.

"It was an emotional and sad time during that last day of filming. I look back at the photos and videos and it seems a bit silly now because it did come back and we were all crying over nothing!

"Jodi and I haven't come back full-time, so it was kind of the end for us. I'm so happy for the fans that they have the show back."

Jodi: "It's really interesting actually, because I remember when that last episode aired, I had so many people contact me about what Neighbours meant to them. All of a sudden, family and close friends were mentioning it. It's part of Australian history and it's wonderful that it's back up and going."

April, did you know that your own real-life engagement was on the cards?

April: "I had a small inkling! It was definitely not something I was gunning for or anything! We'd spoken about that kind of stuff, but we're so happy where we are, so I'm not somebody who'd put the pressure on. I thought maybe it would happen next year or something.

"But then over the last few weeks, there were a few little clues. He was double-checking when I was going to get my nails done and things like that. I thought I'd better prepare myself just in case!

"I feel like I was a good amount of prepared but still surprised. I'm a girl that likes a plan and I'm not a great improvisational actor, I like to prepare! So if I'd been totally caught off guard, I probably would have said something weird! It was really beautiful and I'm very lucky."

What is coming up for you both next?

April: "I've just wrapped on a project that will be launching in January. I'll be promoting that in the New Year. I just bought my first place so I'm trying to get all of that organised, get painters in and buy furniture. I think that's going to be my next few months, to be honest!"

Jodi: "For me, I've been working at a mental health organisation called SANE Australia. I'm studying full-time and working full-time, really. It's incredible.

"It's interesting coming and doing this work with Neighbours or doing PR days and that's so much fun – I love that part of my life. But I guess my world is consumed with something completely different at the moment, so it's really exciting."

Neighbours releases new episodes from Mondays to Thursdays for free on Amazon Freevee in the UK and US. In Australia, the show airs from Mondays to Thursdays at 4pm on Channel 10, with a 6.30pm repeat screening on 10 Peach.

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