Neighbours villain Eden Shaw caught out in dramatic new spoiler pictures

 Holly and Haz take action.

Neighbours has previewed a dramatic comeuppance for new villain Eden Shaw.

Holly Hoyland's troublesome ex-boyfriend finds himself in hot water with the police next week as his crimes come back to haunt him.

A few weeks ago, Eden stole belongings from Holly and her friends while briefly working at Leo Tanaka's vineyard.

When Holly teamed up with café manager Haz Devkar to track down Eden, the sly schemer held Holly captive in a shed and brutally attacked Haz.

The story progresses further this week as Neighbours' special flashback episodes explore Eden's surprising role in the soap's bigger mysteries.

Recent episodes have hinted at a connection between Eden and Ramsay Street returnee Melanie Pearson, but viewers will have to watch this week's flashbacks to find out the full details.

New spoiler pictures from next week now show the tables start to turn on Eden, as Holly and Haz unite for a second attempt to bring him down.

Holly is encouraged to get involved when her friend Mackenzie Hargreaves points out that – with her knowledge of Eden's past – she's best placed to figure out where he might be hiding.

As Holly and Haz conduct a new search, they manage to track down Eden and take control of the situation by trapping him in his van.

This allows Holly and Haz to stall for time as they wait for local policeman Andrew Rodwell to arrive and deal with Eden.

When Andrew turns up, is it the end for Eden's antics or will he stay one step ahead?

Neighbours will air these scenes on Tuesday, November 21.

Neighbours releases new episodes from Mondays to Thursdays for free on Amazon Freevee in the UK and US. In Australia, the show airs from Mondays to Thursdays at 4pm on Channel 10, with a 6.30pm repeat screening on 10 Peach.

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