Home and Away spoilers: Will Leah make a decision she’ll regret?

 'The wedding is off!'

Rushing to his fiancée's side after she was in a car accident, Justin is fearing the worst. But when he finds Leah is unharmed, more questions flood his mind – none of which she wants to answer…
In Home And Away, Leah (Ada Nicodemou) is guarded when Justin (James Stewart) arrives at the hospital. Policewoman Rose (Kirsty Marillier) is in the midst of questioning Leah, who insists she's fine.

The breathalyser test comes back clear and Leah is forced to admit what led to the accident: she fell asleep at the wheel and ran a red light.
When a concerned Justin presses his partner, wanting to know more, Leah snaps – she's done talking about it.
At home, things remain tense as Justin tiptoes around their issues. And, when Leah's mood swings and insomnia worsen and she shuts down completely, he turns to Alf (Ray Meagher) for advice.
"Leah is having a really tough time – and for a long time," Ada, 46, tells TV WEEK.

The next day, Leah returns from work with a bombshell for Justin: she wants to postpone their wedding – indefinitely.
"Leah never thought she wanted to marry again," Ada says. "She really liked the relationship she and Justin had – but something tragic like this makes you reassess everything."
Will Leah's trauma become too much for the couple to survive?

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