Neighbours Spoilers – Is Andrew Rodwell JJ’s father?


Monday’s Neighbours sees Ramsay Street locked off due to a HAZMAT emergency, but there’s an even bigger shock awaiting the Varga-Murphys...

Picking up immediately from the events in Thursday’s episode, Remi (Naomi Rukavina) is reeling having been put in a potentially life-threatening situation.

Having opened a letter in her living room, surrounded by her wife Cara (Sara West) and sons JJ (Riley Bryant) and Dex (Marley Williams), Remi was horrified to not only receive a papercut, but to become covered in white powder almost immediately after.

Now, she’s on red alert. Ordering Cara to take the boys outside, Remi finds herself grappling with the gravity of the situation.

Realising that the potential Anthrax is all over her open wound, Remi finds herself alone, scared and in the midst of a time freeze as she waits for the authorities to take the next steps.

With the boys outside washing their faces and hands, Cara rushes to No. 26 to inform Andrew (Lloyd Will) of the situation that has unfolded two doors up. Straight on the phone, the Sergeant calls in the police, paramedics and Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) teams.

As the street is cordoned off, Andrew approaches the house, face covered and calls out to check in on Remi. The chances of it being Anthrax are slim, he reassures her, but Remi isn’t taking any chances.

Promise me you won’t let her in,” she begs of Andrew, knowing that Cara will want desperately to be with her wife. After all, if the worst happens, someone must be there for the boys.

Back outside, Andrew tries to reassure Cara, who anxiously awaits the arrival of the HAZMAT team. It’s then that Wendy (Candice Leask) chooses to approach and admit blame.

She’s the reason the Linwell Brothers know where the Varga-Murphys are.

She called them after getting her hands on Cara’s CV and conducted a fake reference check. She thought it was odd that Cara had omitted them from her work history when going for the Building Manager job at Lassiters – the same one Wendy went for.

They’re not on my CV because they’re bad people,” Cara snaps at Wendy, furious that her nosiness is the reason Remi is in the situation she’s in.

After calming down, Cara urges Andrew to let her into the house, but he blocks her. In the commotion, what neither of them realise is that Wendy has beelined for No. 30 and before they know it, she’s inside the house.

Once inside, Wendy notes the white powder on the table. Horrified, she doesn’t know what to say. Remi’s shocked to see her inside, but Wendy explains that she is in this situation because of her, and she’s not going to let her be alone.

You are not sitting there, fearing for your life, without having someone to share this with,” Wendy tells a touched Remi, the light that she needed in a very dark moment.

With both of their partners now inside, victims of a suspected Anthrax attack, Cara and Andrew can do nothing but wait for the HAZMAT team to come in and give the all-clear. Meanwhile, inside, the gravity of what Wendy has done is beginning to sink in, but she refuses to let Remi see her doubts.

When Remi asks Wendy to keep still, so as to not disturb the particles, Wendy begins asking questions – what is Anthrax? Without going into detail, Remi explains that it’s a bacterial infection that can lead to organ failure.

Wendy tries to keep the mood light, but fails as Remi tells her that she should’ve stayed away – she has a daughter after all. However, Wendy won’t have a bar of it. Her insecurity over Cara is what has put everyone in this situation.

It’s in this moment that Wendy admits the truth: she’s intimidated by Cara, as a woman who knows what she wants and makes it happen.

Whenever I change into scrubs, it’s like I’m changing into Superwoman,” Remi tells Wendy, knowing exactly how Wendy feels coming up alongside Cara. She knows she’s not a Superhero, but it’s a feeling she gets. Breaking, Remi can’t believe the situation she’s in. It’s at this moment, the HAZMAT team arrive and Wendy and Remi feel a sense of relief.

With the powder gone, Remi and Wendy wait with masks on to hear back from the testing. However, it’s not long before Cara, JJ, Dex and Andrew come bursting in – the tests have come back and the powder was just baking soda.

There’s embracing all around as the reality of the situation is washed away as a hoax.

Remi and Wendy are relieved, but Cara, knowing her wife is safe, turns around and unleashes on Wendy and Andrew for their interference in their lives, and ultimately, being the makers of today’s events.

Out of fury, Cara explains she wants nothing more to do with the Rodwells.

We don’t need either of you in our lives,” she sprays.

Maybe I do!” JJ responds, leaving everyone stunned. Dex quickly steps in, trying to stop his brother making a life-changing revelation, but it’s no use. With JJ’s plea out in the open he has no choice to reveal the truth.

JJ believes that Andrew Rodwell is his father…

With JJ’s words having the potential to change the Rodwells’ and Varga-Murphys’ lives forever, tomorrow’s episode will see the teen fill in the gaps, as he explains the families’ shared connection in Phillipa, and the reason he brought the Varga-Murphys to Ramsay Street.

Cara was trying to get pregnant using an anonymous American sperm donor, back when she and Remi were living in Werribee.

However, in desperation, Cara also used a donation which Phillipa’s friend Andrew had given her. When she fell pregnant, there was no way of knowing whether the father was Andrew or the American donor.

Decades later, JJ reading Phillipa’s diary revealed the events from before his birth. Now, having traced Andrew Rodwell to Ramsay Street, the truth is out there.

As Andrew and JJ prepare to take DNA tests, the truth is about to be revealed…

But will it destroy both families in the process?

Here are the Neighbours spoilers for the next week:

Monday 23rd October (Episode 25 / 8928)

Haz and Holly come face to face with Holly’s violent ex Eden, putting their safety on the line.

Remi faces a potentially deadly threat when a dangerous delivery is received, throwing the Varga-Murphys’ lives into turmoil.

Andrew Rodwell springs into action to help the Varga-Murphys, but a huge shock is just around the corner.

Tuesday 24th October (Episode 26 / 8929)

JJ drops a bombshell that throws the Varga-Murphys and the Rodwells into survival mode.

Mackenzie and Holly fawn over Haz and his heroics.

Haz struggles to grapple with his priorities, leading to a personal crossroads and a falling out with Billie.

Wednesday 25th October (Episode 27 / 8930)

Reece and Byron’s search is spurred forward by a promising new lead.

Sadie is concerned by an unsettling new development in Haz’s love life.

Just as Nell and Terese appear to be bonding, Nell overhears something that can only lead to trouble.

Thursday 26th October (Episode 28 / 8931)

Reece and Byron’s search is spurred forward by a promising new lead.

Sadie is concerned by an unsettling new development in Haz’s love life.

Just as Nell and Terese appear to be bonding, Nell overhears something that can only lead to trouble.

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