Home and Away newcomer Kahu Parata tells mysterious lies in new scenes

 Can Tane really trust his cousin?

Home and Away newcomer Kahu Parata will tell some mysterious lies in scenes airing in the UK next week, as he attempts to settle into Summer Bay life.

Kahu arrives in the Bay this week on a seemingly spontaneous visit to his cousin Tane, and wastes no time in securing himself a job at the gym alongside Tane.

However, his lack of professional training qualifications have been a cause for concern for both Tane and his new wife, Felicity, and so Kahu has been mostly relegated to an admin role for the time being.

It appears that Kahu is all about fun and no responsibility, which is making his TAFE studies, which will enable him to become a qualified fitness instructor at the gym, a problem.

Kahu is eager to please his cousin and so next week he agrees to do the training course.

However, it turns out that Kahu's relaxed veneer is all a front. He later hides a phone call to his mum, lying that he is busy working on a successful fishing trawler.

He then makes out to Tane that he has no cash and asks his cousin to loan him the $1,500 TAFE course fees upfront so that he can complete the qualification.

After Kahu's request to loan him money, Tane suddenly feels wary and questions whether he can really trust Kahu's motives. After reflecting on his cousin's reputation for fickleness, Tane starts to suspect that he's being taken for a ride.

Felicity has already had some serious doubts of her own about Kahu, but she's eager to show her support for Tane's family and so she convinces her husband to give Kahu a chance.

Tane eventually agrees to pay for Kahu's course fees and Kahu assures him that he won't regret it. But can Kahu really keep his promise?

Actor Jordi Webber, who plays Kahu, has already hinted that his character may cause trouble for Tane, saying that he "hasn't quite learned the value of honesty, working hard and trust".

"There's a lot of movement in him and a lot of 'no care' attitude, which is what makes him very fun to play with," he added.

It looks like there may be more trouble ahead for the Parata family...

Home and Away airs weekdays at 1.45pm on Channel 5 and 6pm on 5STAR. First-look screenings air at 6.30pm on 5STAR and the show also streams on My5.

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