Home and Away's Marilyn Chambers makes a risky decision after news from Jett
An announcement causes Marilyn to make a big move.
Home and Away's Marilyn Chambers will make a potentially dangerous decision on UK screens this week, as some good news from her former foster son, Jett, prompts a risky move.
Marilyn and John Palmer will both be bursting with pride in scenes airing in the UK this week, as they learn that Jett has got engaged.
Wanting nothing but the best for their boy, John offers to pay for the wedding. Marilyn is desperate not to let John outshine her as a parent, and so she feels under pressure to make her own contribution.
However, Marilyn has no idea where she's going to come up with the funds for a wedding, and so she gets on the hunt for a get-rich-quick scheme. Soon enough, she thinks she might have found the answer – she's going to sell skincare products.
Marilyn soon has a new role as a 'brand ambassador' for skincare company Stunning Organics and she's glowing with enthusiasm about her new job.
While Roo Stewart expresses some healthy scepticism about the company, Marilyn refuses to entertain this and is full of optimism, convinced that this is how she's going to make some quick money to fund Jett's wedding.
But she hits a bump in the road when she realises that she has no idea about modern online marketing, with her attempts to make a marketing video a rather awkward failure.
Thankfully, performance pro Kirby Aramoana is on hand to show Marilyn how it's done and she agrees to help her out with her social media content.
Marilyn can't believe her luck – Kirby has managed to kickstart her roaring skincare success.
However, could she find herself regretting jumping in head first with this new business?
Home and Away airs weekdays at 1.45pm on Channel 5 and 6pm on 5STAR. First-look screenings air at 6.30pm on 5STAR and the show also streams on My5.
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