Home and Away Spoilers – Felicity proposes to Tane, but can he forgive her?
Felicity (Jacqui Purvis) finally hopes to put a traumatic couple of months behind her in this week’s episodes, as she makes a bold move to reaffirm her love for Tane (Ethan Browne).
Although Flick was lucky to escape the wreck, and the ensuing inferno, with only minor injuries, the trauma she went through has played on her mind since. With constant flashbacks to being stuck in the burning car, Flick turned to alcohol to help ease the pain, pushing away Tane when he discovered how she was coping.
It wasn’t until Flick tried to flee a roadside breath test, being conducted by her brother Cash (Nicholas Cartwright), that a resulting DUI offence made her realise she needed to change.
Last week, Flick decided to face the root of all her mental health problems over the years head on, by returning to her foster father Gary’s (Peter Phelps) farm for the first time since she was 16.
“She was afraid of commitment because she didn’t want to be let down or hurt like she was when her father committed suicide,” Jacqui told TV Week.
Although Flick initially tried to avoid the elephant in the room, she eventually admitted that she still loved him and wanted to work things out… though they both knew it wouldn’t be easy.
Flick is all loved-up once again as Tane drives her back to Summer Bay this week. Talking with Cash, she admits that she was wrong when she previously said that people like them never get happily-ever-afters, having come to realise that Tane is the one she’s destined to be with.
For some reason, he still loves me,” Flick explains. “I know how I lucky I am, I never want to lose that.”
Flick is eager to put right everything from the past few weeks, as she suggests bringing all her stuff back to the Parata house from the caravan.
As Tane and Cash unpack the car, Cash brings up the subject of the wedding, but at this moment in time it’s clear that it’s the last thing on Tane’s mind.
Given the wobbles that Flick had before the planned nuptials, it’s perhaps no surprise that Tane is being cautious by not moving too fast.
“I’m just glad to have her back,” he states. “That’s all I care about right now.”
Flick, on the other hand, is determined to show her renewed commitment, as she seeks out the engagement ring.
I don’t know what our future looks like,” Flick tells Tane as they later walk along the beach. “But I know I want us to be together.”
Tane is stunned when Flick then gets down on one knee, ring box in hand, and asks if he’ll marry her.
For a moment Tane can’t speak; although this is everything he wants, he can’t help but be hesitant given Flick’s recent instabilities when it comes to commitment.
Will Tane be able to say yes?
Here’s the full spoilers for this week’s Home and Away episodes in Australia:
Monday 13th March (Episode 7992)
Felicity wants commitment, but does Tane? Bree deliberates motherhood without Remi. Eden comes to Remi’s defence.
Tuesday 14th March (Episode 7993)
Justin and Leah clash over parenting. Roo finds disturbing photos of Ava. Tane and Felicity have cause for celebration.
Wednesday 15th March (Episode 7994)
Ava’s seductive photos rattle Justin. Kirby puts Ava in her place. Is history repeating for Mackenzie?
Thursday 16th March (Episode 7995)
Mali is Mackenzie’s shoulder to cry on. Theo shatters Ava’s dreams. Justin goes into protective overdrive.
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