What to expect in Home and Away's explosive return for 2023

 The H&A star at the centre of the drama, Jacqui Purvis, tells viewers what to prepare for...

Home and Away is making a return to our TV screens tonight at 7pm on Seven and the new, explosive episode is expected to send viewers into a frenzy of 'tears', 'screaming' and absolute 'chaos'.
Last year's cliff-hanger was brutal for viewers to watch as it ended with Eden Fowler played by Stephanie Panozzo, driving her best friend Felicity Newman, played by Jacqui Purvis, to her wedding in a car which has had the brakes tampered with.

At the end of 2022 we saw Felicity with cold feet over her wedding to Tane. Image: Seven
Jacqui Purvis told Yahoo Lifestyle that the episode is 'explosive' and has warned Home and Away fans to be prepared for 'death' and 'destruction' and to 'get the tissues ready'.
In the return, there are many lives at stake including Leah, Eden, and Felicity. Tane Parata, the groom, is left waiting at the alter and the couple is the show's fan favourites.
Teasers of the new episode show Eden and Jacqui about to be in a car crash.

Felicity appears to be in trouble in the teaser for tonight's episode! Image: Seven
"There's definitely a chance that someone could die. And the audience is gonna be on the edge of their seats to find out if and who," Jacqui tells Yahoo Lifestyle.
"It is action-packed, there is chaos, there's so much going on…she's on her way to what should be the happiest day of someone's life," she says.
"Either way, [fans are] going to be shocked and sad, but you have to watch to find out."

Will this gorgeous couple ever get to live happily ever after? Image: Seven

Jacqui also said shooting the scenes, that we are about to see, was 'the best shooting experience' of her life.
"It was the biggest shoot I've ever done because there [were] stunts, [it was] action-packed, and it was just so much fun."
"It was the best shooting experience of my life because of that fact, because it was things that you would never shoot regularly," she said.

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