11 huge Home and Away spoilers for next week

 What's next in Summer Bay?

Next week on Home and Away, there's more drama for Marilyn as Heather's bad behaviour lands her in trouble again.

Elsewhere, Tane plans a romantic proposal, while Rose pays the price for meddling in Xander's love life.

Here's a full collection of 11 big moments coming up.

1. Rose gets the wrong idea over Xander and Bree

Bree compliments Xander when she notices his new-found confidence at the beach. No longer feeling ashamed of his tattoos, Xander goes shirtless and is happy to show off the artwork to the world.

Rose wonders if there's a romantic chemistry between Bree and Xander, so she lets the Summer Bay doctor know that her brother is definitely single. Xander shuts down Rose's matchmaking efforts by letting her know that Bree is married.

2. Xander turns the tables on Rose

Xander decides to make Rose pay for meddling in his love life. First up, Xander and Bree briefly pretend to be a couple – much to the alarm of Rose, who now knows about Bree being married.

Rose then discovers that Xander has download a dating app onto her phone and has registered a profile for her. With notifications coming in quickly, Rose is flattered and decides to keep the app.

3. Marilyn confesses to a crime she didn't commit

Suspicion grows that Marilyn could have been responsible for slashing John's car tyres. Marilyn is relieved when John refuses to believe that she could have been responsible.

Heather also comes under suspicion, but Nikau gives her a false alibi to get her out of trouble.

Nikau then challenges Marilyn on why she's making Heather keep quiet about their connection. Feeling guilty, Marilyn takes the fall for Heather by "confessing" to slashing the tyres.

4. John challenges Marilyn over her false claims

John refuses to believe that Marilyn slashed his tyres, especially when she refuses to provide any details or motive. John catches out Marilyn when he asks which specific tyres she damaged and she's unable to answer.

With her other friends also asking questions, Marilyn lies to Roo in a desperate attempt to explain her recent strange behaviour. Marilyn claims that she stopped taking her medication and Roo is thankful for her friend's apparent honesty.

5. Leah is next to be targeted by Heather

Leah is alarmed when she discovers that Marilyn has taken the blame for Heather. She takes matters into her own hands by confronting Heather, warning her not to mess with Marilyn.

Later, Leah is horrified to discover that somebody – no prizes for guessing who – has broken into her home and trashed the place.

6. Leah shares Marilyn's secret

Leah, Justin and Theo deal with the damage at the house. Nothing appears to have been taken, so the police suggest that this could have been a personal attack.

Leah mentions Heather's name as a potential suspect, which surprises Justin. When they're alone, Leah decides that Justin deserves an explanation and she spills the beans over Heather being Marilyn's long-lost daughter.

7. Tane plans a proposal

Tane tells Dean that he's looking to the future after some advice from Ziggy.

Tane explains that he's planning to propose to Felicity, wanting to take the next step in their relationship. As Tane seeks support from his family, he's pleased when Nikau excitedly backs his plans.

8. Justin and Mac make a deal

After Lyrik have a disappointing gig, Justin realises that it's time to get their regular slot at Salt back. Mac is pleased when Justin approaches her, having clearly blinked first in their battle of wills.

Mac agrees to negotiate a new fee for Lyrik. Justin is pleased that they're finally back in business after a frosty few weeks.

9. Mac plays peacemaker for Dean and Ziggy

Mac notices that Dean and Ziggy are constantly bickering over the pregnancy. The main point of contention is Ziggy's decision not to tell Justin about the baby.

When Ziggy starts losing her temper with Dean, Mac advises her brother that he may need to become an emotional punching bag for Ziggy when things get tough during the pregnancy. Dean agrees to turn a new page with Ziggy and they promise to be in this together from now on.

10. Felicity catches out Cash and Eden

Felicity becomes suspicious that something is going on between Cash and Eden. She tries asking Remi, who refuses to give any secrets away.

Not willing to let this lie, Felicity storms into Eden's room at the band's share house and catches Cash in her bed. Felicity is livid to realise that her best friend and brother are having a fling – and it's Eden who pays the price when Felicity declares their friendship over.

11. Eden is dragged into the proposal plans

Tane decides to ask Lyrik to perform when he proposes to Felicity. Sadly, the timing couldn't be worse now that Felicity and Eden have fallen out.

Eden refuses to be involved in the special occasion, fearing that it would rile Felicity further. Remi urges her not to miss the big moment.

Meanwhile, Remi also warns Cash that Eden is falling for him. This surprises Cash, as he'd always been under the impression that Eden wasn't interested in serious relationships.

Home and Away airs weekdays at 1.45pm on Channel 5 and 6pm on 5STAR. First-look screenings air at 6.30pm on 5STAR and the show also streams on My5.

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