Home and Away Spoilers – Christian wins back Tori’s heart


Moments later, he’s sweeping her up in his arms and heading to the bedroom.

On next week’s Home and Away in the UK, Christian makes a big effort to win Tori back, while Leah risks everything to get back what Susie stole from them.

The Morgan house has been nothing but chaotic for the last few months.

It wasn’t so long ago that Tori (Penny McNamee), Christian (Ditch Davey), Leah (Ada Nicodemou) and Justin (James Stewart) were living more or less harmoniously under one roof. Fast forward to today and Christian has moved out, having thrown away his engagement for the sake of a patient, while Justin’s drug addiction has fractured his relationships with both his girlfriend and sister.

Finally, things are looking up for Christian and Tori, but Leah and Justin risk disaster as Leah makes a bold move that could land her behind bars.

Firstly, Christian and Tori. The estranged couple have been making small steps towards their recovery, after Rachel’s death made Christian realise that he had wasted months searching for answers that simply weren’t there.

Tori still loves her former fiancé, but isn’t ready to return to how they were. He sidelined her for so long and she’s terrified it could happen again. Last week, she asked him for space as she tried to process everything.

Next week, impatience getting the better of him, Christian invites her to dinner. While she’s clearly tempted, she’s forced to reject him as Justin and Leah are both coming around that evening. It’ll be the first time they’ve met up as a family since Justin got himself sober, and she doesn’t want to miss it.

It’s understandable, and it’s still early days in their recovery. However, when Christian learns that even Ziggy got an invite, he starts to think he’s being left out! It takes some stern words from Jasmine and Irene for him to believe that there’s still a chance for them, that it isn’t too late to work things out.  

He’d been wanting to let Tori take the lead, not wanting to overwhelm her, but he’s forced to change his strategy when he realises that won’t be enough. Justin also gives him some simple advice – “don’t be a wimp”.

He just needs to do what feels right, and Justin assures him that if he and Leah can overcome their issues – “at least she’s never had to ask herself if you were capable of murder!” – so can Christian and Tori.

Eventually, he turns up unannounced at Tori’s door. Telling her he’s been trying to find a way of fixing things but has only been tying himself up in knots, he goes in for a passionate kiss. It’s a risky move, but it pays off – not only does Tori not pull away, but she goes in for a second.

Despite them having a great night together, Tori soon points out that they managed to spend the whole time avoiding talking about anything of substance.

Christian accepts that and invites her for another rendezvous again that night… this time for dinner. Plenty of time for talking.

Finally, he gets the ‘yes’ he’s been looking for. Tori is cautious – the boring stuff should have come before the sexy stuff, and she’s worried she’s going to get in over her head. However, with the promise from Christian that it’ll be “a proper grown up dinner, no funny stuff”, she’s left eagerly anticipating their first real date in months.

As they head for their romantic dinner at Salt, it’s all smiles. For the first time in a long time, they’re genuinely happy to be in each other’s company.

The Tori and Christian romance is well and truly back on.

Meanwhile, Leah is hiding the mother of all secrets this week, and it’s one that could change her life forever.

After Susie McAllister ran away with her and Justin’s $90,000 house deposit, all Leah wanted to do was track her down and recover the money. She and Justin were finally ready to buy their own place together, and falling for Susie’s scam ripped that dream out from underneath them.

When Susie’s body was discovered, any chance of getting that money back seemed to slip away. That is, until Leah discovered that Stephen was hiding her laptop and stolen cash in a bag in his motel room!

Next week, as Justin celebrates a milestone of 5 days off the pills, he has a proposition – he wants to move into the cottage in the Morgan garden. It means he gets to be closer to Leah and Tori, while not pushing things before he’s fully recovered from his addiction.

Leah thinks it’s the perfect plan – there’s just one problem. Her big secret. After Stephen was arrested, she snuck back to his motel room and took the bag full of stolen cash he’d been sitting on. The police had no idea it was there, and it means she’s finally recovered what’s rightfully theirs!

It’s a mad dash for her to hide the money before Justin starts moving his stuff into the cottage. While she manages it, she eventually comes clean.

“The money Susie stole… I have it!

She expects Justin to be on her side, for him to be equally excited at her breakthrough. After all, having the money back means they can finally buy their dream house, or just take an extended holiday to relax after all she put them through.

However, it’s the complete opposite.

Justin insists that they give the money back! He can’t believe she’d do something so stupid. It was only a few weeks ago that the police were trying to pin him for Susie’s murder, he can’t risk breaking the law already.

Plus, what if the police know that Stephen was hiding the money? Leah is sure that they don’t, but there’s always a chance that Stephen will confess, and it’ll be obvious where the money went.

Also, there’s John (Shane Withington) to consider. He lost money too, so how can they take the whole lot? Even when Leah suggests that they split the cash with John, Justin simply won’t accept it.

Much to Leah’s shock, he goes to Cash (Nicholas Cartwright) with a “hypothetical” question – “what would happen to the stolen money if the police did recover it?” – but the answer isn’t good.

It’s likely it would be taken in as evidence, and there’s very little chance that they’d ever get to see it again.

To Leah, that’s even more reason why they should keep it. However, after an ultimatum from Justin – either she hands the money over, or he will – she eventually gives in and agrees to confess.

Soon after, the appropriately named Cash comes to the Morgan house to collect the bag, laptop and their hard-earned, uh, cash, to take to the station as evidence.

As for what happens next, well, it seems like Leah’s mistake will have grave consequences.

“After I fill out the paperwork, you’ll be charged,” Cash explains to her.

Not only has Leah lost her savings all over again, but is she about to end up behind bars?

Here’s the full spoilers for next week’s Home and Away episodes in the UK:

Monday 23rd August 2021 (Episode 7605)

Justin continues to make amends. Can Roo bridge the gap between Alf and Kieran? Will Christian be able to win Tori back?

Tuesday 24th August 2021 (Episode 7606)

Christian woos the love of his life. Alf’s opinion towards Kieran hardens. Nikau and Ryder come to blows.

Wednesday 25th August 2021 (Episode 7607)

Kieran makes one last plea to Alf. Irene gives Alf a piece of her mind. Justin slowly rebuilds his life.

Thursday 26th August 2021 (Episode 7608)

Nikau’s behaviour divides his friends and family. Leah makes a serious confession to Justin. John pushes his bank for an investigation.

Friday 27th August 2021 (Episode 7609)

Justin and Leah test their morals. Nikau confronts Bella. Emmett gets the break he’s been dreaming of.

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