Home and Away RECAP: Long-running fav Leah won’t be off to the slammer this time

Well good news because I’m back. But bear with me because I haven’t watched the episodes I missed. Luckily the script does repeat itself a lot but there will inevitably be some gaps in my insights…Like talk of Leah being arrested.
Last time I tuned in Leah was in Stephen Something’s motel room with a very underwhelming sandwich about to turn her useless boyfriend, Justin, in for murder before discovering it was Stephen all along. No surprises there

However the internet tells me she managed to talk herself out of the hostage situation and make it out with Susie’s laptop and $90,000 while Stephen Something is charged with the murder of scam artist Susie.
Leah has just told Justin she got their money back and is going to keep it which brings me up to tonight’s episode, and also the first qualm.
Us viewers have had to put up with Justin’s whinging, moping, violence and mumbling for weeks while he spiralled further into his drug addiction and upon laying eyes on him for the first time in a while, he’s miraculously gotten clean in a matter of days.
His moral compass has also been resurrected.
“We can’t just ignore that there’s a bag of stolen money in our room,” Justin says.

However Leah is adamant she’s keeping the stolen money she stole.
“I am not handing our money back to the police so get used to it,” Leah says.
One minute later Leah concedes “I owe you an apology” which isn’t a real apology because she’s still keeping the money but is going to split it with John since he was also conned.
A money laundering storyline would have been quite interesting but alas, Leah turns herself in to Cash the “hot cop” and faces arrest

Cash conveniently received an “anonymous tip”.
“We owe you a beer mate, a lifetime of beer,” Justin says.
So as far as I’m concerned all the loose ends have the dealt with there and we never have to hear of Susie McAllister again.
The other hot topics before my break included the food truck explosion and affair which have sort of come together.
While I don’t know how my favourite, Jasmine, is doing, Emmett’s sight has fully recovered. So well in fact, he can’t keep his eyes off Mac.

“Don’t throw away everything that we had,” Nik pleads with Bella.

“She’s done with ya,” Dean says.
Back to Emmett who is enjoying an evening beverage with his eyes gazing upon Mac. The script writers are a cruel mistress and just when things are heating up between them, Emmett drops a bombshell. He’s been headhunted for a “massive” job in New York.
“It could be my last chance,” he says.
I’m curious. Is Emmett’s last chance eye sight related?
Apparently not. He doesn’t want to leave Bella in her time of need as “it might break her” which is really Mac dropping a massive hint for one of the few eligible bachelors in town not to leave.
No doubt Emmett won’t be attune to subtlety and will leave both of them.
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