Home and Away RECAP: Justin becomes number one suspect after evidence found in his car
Jasmine can’t be the only one suffering from amnesia because it’s business as usual in the picturesque Summer Bay, and all the while Susie’s murderer, probably Stephen Something, is still on the loose.
Justin picks up his car.
Admittedly I didn’t watch the episode when he passed out in his car, but I assume there was some sort of damage and it’s already been fixed even though he has the only garage in town and he certainly hasn’t been at work.
Anyway, he’s driving along when the new cops, “hot cop” and badass Detective Amy Peters pull him over and want to search his vehicle as they believe it “contains evidence that pertains” to the investigation.
Anyone that can slip the word “pertains” into a sentence so casually wins my vote and I immediately love the badass detective.
Amy digs around for “goodies” before she holds up a smashed iPhone retrieved from the passenger side of Justin’s car.
“I’ve never seen that phone before in my life,” Justin says.
The new cops tell us the phone belonged to Susie and they’ve primed us to believe this is true because they have some high-tech app, exactly like find my iPhone exempt it works when the battery has run out which is an absolute game-changer and we should rally around so it’s available to dead people and the general public.
Now I know this is a show, so inevitably there will be flaws, and there are many, but I distinctly recall that Susie drove over her phone in her little convertible just outside Summer Bay with the intension of destroying it sometime before Stephen Something strolled into town with his thick head of hair.
How are we supposed to believe that Stephen Something miraculously found the phone and planted it in Justin’s car?
Unless Stephen Something is in cahoots with Susie, perhaps even a lover as he has suggested, who had a falling out with Susie after she left the bay and then he killed her and is framing Justin so he can be with Leah?
Justin is taken down to the station for questioning and shakes his head in disbelief.
“I’m being set up,” Justin says.
Amy the badass detective wastes no time winding Justin up.
"Do those pain killers help numb your guilt Justin?" Amy says.
This clearly isn’t her first rodeo, and within minutes Justin is clearly distressed, particularly sweaty and collapses. It’s all very dramatic.
Cash the "hot cop" however isn’t’ pleased with Amy’s bad cop approach given it was unethical and "Justin was not of sound mind". I’m not sure Justin is ever of sound mind though.
But Amy will "run it (the investigation) how I see fit".
Next is Keiran who I could care less about but I’ll be nice and give him the time of day because he has the audacity to waddle his sober self over to the gym and ask for his job back.
This guy’s ego never ceases to amaze me.
"Yeah there might actually be an opportunity coming up soon," Tane says, unawares that Keiran "attacked Alf, he kidnapped his own mother" as town gossip John put it.
While Tane gets a bit of background on Kieran because Jas doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the gym at the moment, plus she can’t remember anything anyway, Kieran waxes lyrical about how fantastic he is to Roo.
"There’s keen and there’s desperate," Roo says. She’s a teacher so it’s in her nature to care but why is she taking this drop-kick under her wing?
"It’s not like a did a bad job until …" Kieran pauses before moments later saying that Tane’s not "going to say no to me".
It’s no surprise that Tane doesn’t give Kieran the gym job.
In other news Ziggy has not forgiven Mac for her recent behaviour including cracking onto Tane amongst other things.
You are not nothing but a toxic self absorbed selfish brat who doesn’t care about anyone but themselves," yeah you tell ‘em Zig.
Right…" Dean says when he finds out.
Which is code for he’s going to get involved because he loves being righteous.
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